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"Setting the Stage for Well-Being in the Workplace" with Jocelyn Pepe


In this episode of the Well-Being in the Workplace Event Series, host Christie Mann, MA, CPCC, PCC is joined by Jocelyn Pepe, Corporate Wellness Coach + Founder of TrU Living.

In This Episode:

  • The definition of well-being

  • What companies are now doing to support well-being in the workplace

  • What companies can do to gain, retain and engage employees

  • The current lag in employees feeling supported in their well-being

  • How to have the important conversations

  • No separation of work-self and home-self

  • Something the Hilton Group is doing that’s working really well

  • Authentic vulnerability-based leadership

  • The skills leaders need in order to meet where the workplace is now

  • How supported employees feel now compared to the beginning of the pandemic

Quotations to Share:

“Wellbeing is so multifaceted. And how we have built out well-being at True Living–it really starts with oneself and the foundation of well-being is your relationship with yourself.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“In addition, wellbeing is our physical health. So not only is it what we eat and how we exercise, but how we manage and navigate our energy throughout the day. And then mental well-being is such a huge part.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“Mental health is, is so impactful on overall wellbeing…Processing emotions and having a healthier relationship with our emotions impact us overall.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“Now more so than ever, the workplace has shifted.” ~Christie Mann

“I really want to begin and acknowledge the success. A lot of organizations have put so much effort and resources into well-being since the beginning of the pandemic.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“46% of organizations have increased their well-being budget compared to what they had in 2019, and 64% had introduced a new well-being product. So we're seeing innovation and partnership across organizations globally.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“I want to highlight–with all of the innovation and what organizations are offering there's still a very significant disconnect to what organizations are offering and what employees know is being offered…87% of organizations are offering and 23% are actually using this service.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“Well-being goes beyond what people feel.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“Burnout has a severe impact on employees and organizations. Job performance is compromised.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“At the beginning of the pandemic, employees felt incredibly supported and held and everybody came together in partnership. And one of the Gallup studies I was reading suggests that there is a lag now. Employees aren't feeling like well-being is still top of mind for organizations.“ ~Jocelyn Pepe

“That is what we're seeing. At the beginning of the pandemic, there was a way that as humans, we came together in that moment of uncertainty–not knowing what was going to happen with our, our health, our livelihoods, and from an organizational standpoint, everybody was sent home to work. And you know, whether you had roommates, spouses, partners, children, pets… other relatives in the home, it was truly transformative to work because there was no distinction between my personal life and my work life because you are seeing my four walls on zoom or on whatever video platform is being used.” ~Christie Mann

“in the beginning, there was support around wellbeing and there was an acknowledgment of us going through this collective trauma and now there's apathy. It has dipped. And I will say what I'm seeing is it's back to business as usual. Our clients are expected to drive the same results if not exceed their performance. Management systems are still built around traditional results of what they're doing versus who they're being in the workplace. So the system has not transformed to support wellbeing.” ~Christie Mann

“A well workforce will deliver results. Organizations are missing so much on their bottom line because there's presenteeism, there's absenteeism, and not everybody is contributing their best. I really truly believe that individuals want to feel good and thrive and contribute at their best selves.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“I think that's where a lot of the mental health challenges come. Folks are in burnout. They are experiencing levels of grief stress that are unprecedented. So how can we expect folks to focus the way they did 20 months ago? Productivity has shifted but the systems that support the individuals inside an organization have not.” ~Christie Mann

“Well-being is a business strategy. Period.” ~Christie Mann

“Well-being is no longer is a benefit or a nice-to-have. Well-being is a business strategy. It has to come from the top where the organization believes in well-being and believes that truly well people will be able to come together and deliver the business results.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“If an individual is suffering in their well-being and their personal relationship, it shows up in their work product, their work life.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“This is a critical business skill [well-being in the workplace]. It's about intrinsic motivation. It's about being supportive. It's about being impactful. It's about motivating and empowering an individual's whole-person self. It's not work-life or work-self and home-self. It never actually was.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

The organization is only as good as the employee is well.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“Engage the experts and partner with them to integrate wellbeing into your culture. It's a culture of well-being. So yes, it's a business strategy and it's culture creation. We're shifting the way work is conducted for the future. So this is the future of work.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“So leaders and people managers inside organizations in this day and age, the request is not that you be therapists, that you be trained coaches, that you be experts on mental health. The request is for leaders to be more in touch with their own emotions, and their own challenges, and to be able to be more vulnerable with sharing that so they can then hold space for another, for an employee, for a peer, for a manager.” ~Christie Mann

“Leaders that have coaching skills are able to hold space for the wellbeing conversation.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“This is human work that requires human connection and human development.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“I truly believe human-to-human connection and partnership is what we're craving in the social well-being sphere of the wellbeing definition that True Living and myself share. This is an opportunity for our social well-being to be fulfilled.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“This is human work that requires a human connection. As a society, we're seeing depression and anxiety rates off the charts like we've never seen before. Social well-being requires connecting to other people, especially around the general topic of well-being.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“This is a tipping point. It's a tipping point for organizations to really break down the structures that are no longer supporting the well-being of their people and therefore no longer supporting the well-being of their businesses.” ~Christie Mann

We started off the pandemic strong. 50% of employees felt like they were supported in their well-being. It's dropped by 13%. That takes us down to only 37% of employees feeling like their well-being is supported. That's not okay.” ~Jocelyn Pepe

“Our work is really about holistic well-being in the workplace. We partner with organizations to integrate holistic well-being practices and support employees from a human-focused approach.”~Jocelyn Pepe


Jocelyn Pepe is a health and wellness expert with a rich and varied background in coaching and educating on physical, mental, and social wellbeing. As a global facilitator, Jocelyn takes a holistic approach to training and developing human potential.

In her life, she has felt the impact of being highly engaged in her career and yet out of alignment with her overall health and wellbeing, leading to burnout. As a mother of three, navigating divorce, Jocelyn experienced firsthand the power of transformational coaching and what happens when you shift your mindset and reach deep down to access what she always knew was possible.

Through her coaching and speaking engagements, Jocelyn brings the audience along, on a journey of self-awareness and self-reflection around their habits and wellbeing. Jocelyn is fiercely committed to every individual realizing the benefits of having their physical, mental, and social well-being aligned, to thrive personally and professionally.

Professional Designations:

Jocelyn is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), a Registered Health Coach (RHCTM), a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) via the International Coaches Federation, and a member of the Health Coach Alliance. As a master’s student studying The Psychology & Neuroscience of Mental Health Jocelyn is committed to bringing the most current and relevant research into TrU Living and the organization's partnerships for every individual to gain the tools to thrive.

You can reach Jocelyn here:

About UpLevel Productions: Founded by Christie Mann, MA, CPCC, PCC, and Rachel Baldi, CPCC, PCC, UpLevel creates, produces, and delivers Transformative Experiences, Workshops, Training, Events + Media that develop leaders who make our world a healthier, more alive, and connected place to be. As Associate CTI Faculty Partners, UpLevel is licensed to sell, produce and deliver Co-Active coach training and leadership development programs around the world to support the transformational growth of individuals and culture inside the workplace and organization. Instagram @uplevelproductions Facebook & LinkedIn @uplevelproductionscompany


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