This week's session, "Radical Compassion & Grace in the Workplace," is with Dr. Tiffany Grimes, 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑛, 𝑀𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑡ℎ 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒.
Dr. Grimes will be sharing tools she uses with her clients to help improve well-being and find Joy in the challenging stuff! There are lots of great nuggets in this one!
In This Episode:
Her definition of well-being
Having clear boundaries
“No” doesn’t always mean “Never”
How to start learning to say “no”
Quick and free things you can do to boost your well-being quickly
How organizations can provide easy opportunities for employees to be in charge of their own mental health.
What people managers are struggling with now
How to have radical compassion and grace in the workplace
Quotations to Share:
“Well-being to me means having the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual bandwidth to accomplish not only what is required of me, but also the things that I love with the people, communities, and places that are important to me. And so for me, well-being is not just physical. It's mental. It's spiritual it's community; it's all the things.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I think sometimes we really focus on our physical health, which is so important but we also have to look at the other pieces of us, which include the spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects as well.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I would say burnout is probably the biggest thing. I think people were already stretched thin before the pandemic and anyone who wasn't stressed before then was stressed after.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I'm seeing a lot of people who wanted to address their mental health, but never had the time or didn't have the resources and the slowdown with a pandemic actually allowed them to take that time off from work and, or it just pushed them to a point where they had to take that break.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I am seeing that they [employees] do feel that their workplace has been supportive of them taking time off. Of course, there are legal things in place to help support people to take that time off. But sometimes it's not as accessible as it should be.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“Certainly, I think that we're all experiencing a level of collective trauma and there just aren't enough spaces, places, or times to process what we're all going through.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“It's not looking great. I'm definitely an optimist and I'm always going to lean into the positivity of it all and hope that things do work out. But I think we definitely need to take a real look at how we are treating our employees.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I think we have to take a real look at society and what are we creating. We are examples for the future. We saw our parents work themselves to the bone, then we do the same. And then the generation after us will do the same. And so on. How do we break that cycle? How do we slow down and really focus on what truly matters?” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I think learning how to say no, doesn't always mean never. So maybe it's just a no for now. Thinking, you know, I could take on one more client, but what is the cost-benefit of that? And am I going to ultimately be doing a service to the clients already have I'm overworking myself. So I think really looking at the pros and the cons of adding more to our plates, even when it's really appealing and it's even something we're interested in.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I think really meeting another person, human to human can be so helpful and learning how to respect each other's boundaries. And I think it's just practice.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I know when I've been in a place where I am so burnt out and overwhelmed, I don't think I can say no. Because I'm completely in an amygdala hijack in my brain. Everything feels urgent. Everything has to happen now. And so then I forget about the connection or that relationship piece that I feel you're pointing us to. And the human piece, like to actually say. Whoa, you know what actually, I can't say yes to that, you know, so, and so I'm noticing I'm actually struggling right now, just keeping these things afloat.” ~Christie Mann
“I can definitely say that movement and being in my body is so important to me and it’s huge in my personal development and in dealing with stress at work.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“Even if you're working from home, just take a step outside of your house or your apartment and get one to two minutes of sunshine if you're able to where you live, and that can really make a difference.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“Vitamin D is so crucial, especially with a virus that's still circulating the plant. Even if it's cold, stand in a window and let that vitamin D hit you in between calls. I know when I take the time to do that when I remember to do that, it connects me to my humanity. I remember I'm not just this robot that can produce a whole bunch of stuff, but I'm actually a human, and I'm actually part of something bigger than just my work.” ~Christie Mann
“I would encourage those in leadership to really think, ‘How would I like to structure my day?’ I think that leadership also involves well-being. So, how are you leading it from a place of well-being as a leader? And I think making those spaces available within a workspace is so important.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“For those of us who are responsible for teams or a team, a team of other human beings, how can we model wellbeing in the world? How can we be the poster child for it?” ~Christie Mann
“People just want to be heard and they just want to be seen.” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“I think we often jump to wanting to fix the problem, but sometimes people just want to be heard and asking them, you know, how can I support you in this? What do you need?” ~Dr. Tiffany Grimes
“Our emotions don't stay forever. They just need a little bit of air time.” ~Christie Mann
Dr. Tiffany Grimes holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Health Psychology from The University of Georgia, a MA in General Psychology from Boston University, and a BS in Psychology and Spanish from Millsaps College. She served as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer for three years in Ecuador, where she worked in health promotion and HIV prevention & treatment.
Additionally, Dr. Grimes served as a Public Interest Policy Scholar at the APA in Washington D.C. Her research, policy, and clinical interests meet at the intersection of multicultural identity, health, and resilience. She also specializes in substance use, spirituality, meditation, mindfulness, and movement practices. She is also an alumnus of The George Washington University LGBT Health Policy & Practice Graduate Certificate Program. Dr. Grimes currently works as a primary and group therapist at The Mental Health Collective in Newport Beach, CA, and in private practice.
You can reach Dr. Grimes here:
About UpLevel Productions: Founded by Christie Mann, MA, CPCC, PCC, and Rachel Baldi, CPCC, PCC, UpLevel creates, produces, and delivers Transformative Experiences, Workshops, Training, Events + Media that develop leaders who make our world a healthier, more alive, and connected place to be. As Associate CTI Faculty Partners, UpLevel is licensed to sell, produce and deliver Co-Active coach training and leadership development programs around the world to support the transformational growth of individuals and culture inside the workplace and organization. Instagram @uplevelproductions Facebook & LinkedIn @uplevelproductionscompany