We have felt for some time that the mental health challenges of COVID are the 2nd pandemic! In recent years, 40% of adults in the US (and more globally) have reported symptoms of anxiety or depression, up from 10% in 2019. And the pandemic has disproportionately affected the health of women and marginalized communities.
In many cases, people do not have the self-awareness, tools, or support systems to navigate this “new normal.” How has this become our “new normal?” It’s not just affecting us mentally, but it’s taking a toll on our children and us physically, emotionally, and energetically.
To aid with this, UpLevel Productions is dedicating Season 3 to Mental Health. We'll have informative sessions with experts & folks who have had their own struggles with mental health to support your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic health.
We are committed to ending the stigma around mental health and ensuring that all humans have access to tools and resources to support their well-being. Everyone is welcome!
In this kickoff to the season, Rachel Baldi and Christie Mann set the stage for a dynamic Season 3.
In This Episode:
The traumatic event that challenged their mental health
Grief, in all areas
The decline of Global mental health
Rachel losing her core values
What you can create from grief and loss
Being alone during the pandemic
Living losses
The difference between grieving and mourning
What to say to someone who is grieving
The importance of deep listening
How holding onto grief affects us
The importance of employers providing mental health tools
The importance of schools providing mental health tools
Being the student rather than the expert
Where to start in your journey with grief
The concept of living wakes
How to live while living
Quotations to Share:
“Grief and loss affect our mental health.” ~Rachel Baldi
“We need to be touched. We know this. We are hardwired for connection.” ~Christie Mann
“I'm super concerned about the tsunami of grief that I think is going to hit us as the aftermath, and it comes out in other ways when we don’t process our grief and give it the attention that it needs.” ~Rachel Baldi
“If we don't talk about this and bring people's attention to it, we are all going to experience grief in extreme ways and unhealthy ways.” ~Rachel Baldi
“Greif is of response to loss, loss of someone or something.” ~Rachel Baldi
“Grieving is the being, and mourning is the doing of loss.” ~Rachel Baldi
“When you ask someone who is grieving, ‘how are you?’ that is a big question because grief is like a roller coaster. It's just a big shit show mess of an up and down spiral author around.” ~Rachel Baldi
“There are no two grief journeys that are the same.” ~Rachel Baldi
“When you're grieving, you feel like no one understands you or knows what you're feeling.” ~Rachel Baldi
“When being with people who are grieving, being with yourself when grieving, it's about deep listening–Not making comparisons or saying, ‘Oh, me too. Me too. Here's my experience.’” ~Christie Mann
“We all need training on how to listen more deeply because we are all yearning for someone to really, truly hear us.” ~Christie Mann
“We have to do our own work. We can't expect to support others without being willing to look at our own losses in our lives and take inventory of that.” ~Rachel
“People don't like to talk about death, especially in this culture and society, but the more that we can be aware of death and be aware of the losses of our lives, I believe we can live better.” ~Rachel Baldi
“Everybody grieves in a different way; there's no timeframe. It's unique to each individual. And we need to honor that, and we need to honor the individual lived experience and the individual grief grieving experiences.” ~Christie Mann
“We need to stop compartmentalizing the fact that we have emotions, the fact that we're constantly grieving, and the fact that we can't just shut it off for 8, 10, 12 hours a day. And then pretend like our mental health will be okay.” ~Christie Mann
“Take note of your own losses in your life and be willing to look at them and process them.” ~Rachel Baldi
“When you're around people who are grieving or at the end of their life, you really learn what is important to you.” ~Rachel Baldi
“Rachel and I want people to live while they’re alive.” ~Christie Mann
Rachel Baldi, CPCC, PCC is on a mission to empower and inspire those around her to lead their lives with conscious presence, authenticity, and responsibility. As an Interfaith Advocate + End-of-Life Coach, Rachel brings her knowledge and expertise in coaching, leadership development, project management, workshop design, and facilitation to act as a conscious bridge between people of different cultures, races, and religions to build healthy relationships.
About UpLevel Productions: Founded by Christie Mann, MA, CPCC, PCC, and Rachel Baldi, CPCC, PCC, UpLevel creates, produces, and delivers Transformative Experiences, Workshops, Training, Events + Media that develop leaders who make our world a healthier, more alive, and connected place to be. As Associate CTI Faculty Partners, UpLevel is licensed to sell, produce and deliver Co-Active coach training and leadership development programs around the world to support the transformational growth of individuals and culture inside the workplace and organization. Instagram @uplevelproductions Facebook & LinkedIn @uplevelproductionscompany